Monday, 24 Jun, 2024


Living With Cancer: A Rainbow Coalition

DHAKA: Everyone recognizes the pink ribbon of breast cancer, but fewer know the color of testicular (orchid), uterine (peach), lung (white), pancreatic (purple), or head and neck (burgundy/ivory) cancers. Given current research and treatment, as well as a commitment to equity, is it time

Womb cancer link to diet, exercise

DHAKA: The risk of womb cancer can be reduced by exercise, diet and possibly drinking coffee, research suggests.Almost half of cases of womb cancer in the UK - about 3,700 a year - could be prevented through keeping slim and active, a review of data shows.Researchers at Imperial College,

Lung diseases cause 10% of Europe deaths

DHAKA: Lung conditions are the cause of one in 10 of all deaths in Europe and smoking is a major factor, says a report from European Respiratory Society.It says deaths from lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will rise over the next 20 years because of past

Sleep `boosts brain cell numbers`

DHAKA: Scientists believe they have discovered a new reason why we need to sleep - it replenishes a type of brain cell.Sleep ramps up the production of cells that go on to make an insulating material known as myelin which protects our brain`s circuitry.The findings, so far in mice, could

Indians’ lungs 30% weaker than Europeans

DHAKA: A study has found that Indians have 30% lower lung function as compared to Europeans as a result of worsening air quality in Indian cities. The study was conducted on 10,000 healthy, non-smoking individuals in Jaipur, Pune, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Kashmir. “We measured the Peak

Iodized salt a must after Aug

DHAKA: People concerned categorically said necessary measures would be taken against the mills for producing salt without iodine after August 31.They came up with the assertion on Thursday in an annual review meeting of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) at BIAM

‘Target breeding sites to fight malaria’

DHAKA: A new report says targeting mosquito breeding sites is likely to be increasingly necessary to reduce cases of malaria in Africa and Asia.Researchers say that with mosquitoes becoming ever more resistant to insecticides, new approaches will be needed to help control the disease.They

Broccoli `slows down arthritis`

DHAKA: Eating lots of broccoli may slow down and even prevent osteoarthritis, UK researchers believe.The University of East Anglia team is starting human trials following on from successful lab studies.Tests on cells and rats showed that a broccoli compound - which humans can also get

Cooperate in realizing govt ÔÇÿhealth serviceÔÇÖ pledge, Modasser urges all

DHAKA: Prime Minister`s adviser for Health and Family Welfare Prof Dr Syed Modasser Ali urged all to extend cooperation in fulfilling the government pledge to ensure “health services for all”.  “Besides, physicians should also play their due roles in ensuring the services as we

Joint-venture Bangladesh-India international hospital: spadework done

DHAKA: The deal is done and the cost is estimated Tk 500 crore for building an international hospital in the port city in joint venture with an Indian company.     Chittagang Port Authority (CPA) is going to build the big hospital in the port city in joint-effort with the Indian

Eat veggies, fight cancer

DHAKA: Smokers who ate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables lowered their risk of developing lung cancer compared with those eating a smaller range of these foods, reveals a nine-year-long study. The quantity did not seem to matter, leading scientists to speculate that variety, not

Making headway on headaches

DHAKA: A genetic survey of 50,000 people has revealed the first gene linked to migraine headaches and potential for more targeted treatment.A variant of the newly identified gene causes a brain chemical to build up between nerve endings, triggering a migraine’s painful symptoms. BDST:

Breastfeeding best option for mom also

DHAKA: Most new mothers know that breastfeeding is good for their babes. But a latest research shows it has lasting health benefits for mom as well.Scientists report that among a group of 2,233 women, aged 40 to 78, those who breastfed their newborns, were half as likely to develop Type 2

Do Calcium Supplements Boost Heart-Attack Risk?

A study looking at 15 randomized trials finds the use of calcium supplements without coadministered vitamin D is associated with an increased risk of heart attack. Most guidelines for the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis recommend the use of calcium supplements, despite the fact

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

The term sleep disorder may suggest someone tossing and turning all night, but lying awake for hours with insomnia is just one example of many conditions that affect how you sleep and function during the day. In fact, you can have a sleep disorder and not even know it, according to an

Could Your Child Have ADHD?

When you take your child to the pediatrician for a sore throat, a quick test can tell if it’s strep throat and put your child on the way to a course of antibiotics and generally a quick recovery. But when it comes to diagnosing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – a

Cell Phone Use Linked to Male Infertility

Men, beware: Using a hands-free device with a cell phone may affect your fertility if you keep your phone close to your testicles, Cleveland Clinic researchers warn in the journal Fertility and Sterility.Men who use these hands-free devices tend to carry their cell phones in their pants

12 Bad Bedtime Habits that take a toll on your health

A good night`s sleep doesn`t just boost your mood—it also improves your looks. It is important that you get the recommended eight hours per night. We compiled the most common mistakes, so you can learn how to get the most—and the best—rest possible. 1.    Watching TV before bed

Scientists See Serious Health Risks in Gulf Oil Spill Repiratory, Mental Health Problems Among the D

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico poses serious health risks for the people who are working to clean it up and others who venture into the coastal area, scientists say in a commentary in The Journal of the American Medical Association.Some components of oil called volatile organic

Heart attack, stroke risks higher for combative types: study

People who tend to be confrontational, especially those who are competitive and aggressive, run a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.Researchers with the National Institute on Aging (NIA) examined 5,614 residents of four villages in Sardinia, an Italian Mediterranean island.People who