Monday, 07 Oct, 2024


Cambodian unions say garment strike could go on for weeks

PHNOM PENH: A mass strike by tens of thousands of Cambodian garment workers entered its third day Wednesday, with unions warning the stoppage could go on for weeks if employers ignored their wage demands.Estimates for the number of workers taking part in the industrial action varied

Eiffel Tower evacuated after bomb scare

Paris:  Paris police evacuated the Eiffel Tower late Tuesday after an anonymous caller said a bomb had been placed on the popular tourist attraction, France Info radio reported.Some 2,500 people were on the tower and on the Champs de Mars, the green area surrounding it, when the alert

Clinton hosts new round of Israel-Palestinian talks

JERUSALEM:  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday presides over fresh Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Jerusalem aimed at narrowing the gap on Jewish settlements and tackling core issues.She arrived in Jerusalem on Tuesday for more three-way talks with Israeli Prime

Rights groups against giving US anti-drug aid to Mexico

MEXICO CITY: Human rights groups Tuesday urged US lawmakers not to authorize 36 million dollars in anti-drug trafficking aid to Mexico because of human rights violations by its security forces."Releasing these funds would send the message that the United States condones the grave human

Swedish government boasts strong economy in re-election bid

STOCKHOLM: From speeches to press conferences, Sweden`s centre-right government has been tirelessly putting forth the country`s sound economic performance in a bid to get re-elected on Sunday."This is a very interesting position to have in an election campaign," Prime Minister Fredrik

N. Ireland dissidents threaten attacks on bankers: report

LONDON: A dissident republican terror group in Northern Ireland threatened Wednesday to target banks and bankers as it seeks to destabilise the peace process, in comments to a newspaper.The Real IRA launched a tirade at financial institutions in Britain`s "colonial and capitalist" system

China again summons Japanese ambassador in boat row

BEIJING: China said it had summoned Japan`s ambassador a fifth time to demand Tokyo release a Chinese fishing boat captain arrested after a collision between his and two Japanese vessels in disputed waters.Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin called in ambassador Uichiro Niwa on Tuesday to

South Korea approves more flood aid for North Korea

SEOUL: South Korea`s government said Wednesday it has approved a plan by local groups to send flood relief aid to North Korea, amid growing signs of a thaw after months of tension on the peninsula.The Unification Ministry said it approved Tuesday requests to send emergency supplies worth

Conservatives threaten to shatter Australia PM`s rule

SYDNEY: Australia`s opposition leader Tony Abbott Wednesday threatened to bring down Julia Gillard`s fragile minority government, one day after it was sworn in, by persuading independent MPs to support him.Neither leader won an outright majority at August 21 polls but Gillard`s ruling

US drone strike kills 11 militants in Pakistan: officials

MIRANSHAH, September 15, 2010 (AFP) - US drones fired off a volley of missiles targeting Al-Qaeda linked fighters in a tribal area of northwest Pakistan Wednesday, killing at least 11 militants, security officials said.The pre-dawn attack -- the third in less than 24 hours -- was directed

India seeks solutions to Kashmir unrest

NEW DELHI: India`s leading political parties will come together on Wednesday to try to forge a consensus on how to defuse escalating tension in Kashmir after the worst violence in three months of protests.Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who admitted last week that he was "groping" for a

Insurgent US `Tea Party` scores upset in Biden seat fight

WASHINGTON: Insurgent US "Tea Party" conservatives scored another big upset victory Tuesday, as a political novice romped over a veteran lawmaker to become the Republican champion in the fight for Vice President Joe Biden`s old senate seat.With 99 percent of precincts reporting,

US plans massive arms sale to Saudi to counter Iran

WASHINGTON: The United States plans to offer Saudi Arabia 60 billion dollars` worth of hi-tech fighters and helicopters to help counter the threat posed by Iran, in the largest ever US arms deal, officials said.A senior defense official said President Barack Obama`s administration would

Being PM not the only job, says Rahul Gandhi

Santiniketan, West Bengal:  Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said becoming the Prime Minister is not the only `job` in the world and that there were many other jobs a person could do.The scion of the Nehru-Gandhi family responded in this fashion deflecting a pointed query during an interaction at

Obama, now an author of a children`s book

New York:  Coming two weeks after Election Day, a book from President Barack Obama for some of the nation`s nonvoters: inspirational stories for children about American pioneers."Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters" is a tribute to 13 groundbreaking Americans, from the first

US plans massive arms sale to Saudi to counter Iran

WASHINGTON: The United States plans to offer Saudi Arabia 60 billion dollars` worth of hi-tech fighters and helicopters to help counter the threat posed by Iran, in the largest ever US arms deal, officials said.A senior defense official said President Barack Obama`s administration would

Cuba announces mass layoffs in bid to spur private sector

HAVANA: Cuba will lay off more than 500,000 state employees by March and expand private employment to give them work in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the Cuban Workers Federation said on Monday.Eventually more than a million jobs would be cut and, due to efforts

S.Korea to ease restriction on N.Korea factory estate

SEOUL: South Korea said Tuesday it would allow more of its citizens to work in a jointly-run industrial estate in North Korea amid growing signs of a thaw in cross-border relations.The Unification Ministry plans to let up to 900 South Koreans work at the Kaesong Industrial Complex, up

US missiles kill seven militants in Pakistan: officials

MIRANSHAH: A salvo of US missiles killed at least seven militants in Pakistan`s northwestern tribal belt on Tuesday, the tenth such strike in 11 days, security officials said.The Pakistani officials said four missiles hit a militant compound in Bushnarai village in Shawal district of

Japan PM survives leadership challenge

TOKYO: Japan`s Prime Minister Naoto Kan survived a leadership challenge by a party powerbroker Tuesday after just three months in office, but his government could still face new political tumult.Kan was re-elected by his centre-left Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) as party president,