Monday, 03 Jun, 2024


‘Shame still clings to UN over Rwanda genocide’

DHAKA: United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon said on Monday that the world body was still wracked by shame over its failure to act against the genocide in Rwanda 20 years ago.‘Many United Nations personnel and others showed remarkable bravery. But we could have done much more,’

Ukraine activists declare Donetsk sovereignty

DHAKA: Pro-Russian activists who seized the main administration building in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk have proclaimed the creation of a sovereign ‘people’s republic’ independent of Kiev rule.A spokesman for the protesters who came from the occupied building announced the

Pakistan court orders Musharraf to appear in murder case

DHAKA: A Pakistani court hearing the murder case of a slain Baluch nationalist leader on Monday ordered embattled former military ruler Pervez Musharraf to appear in person on April 21 or face arrest.Musharraf, who was last week indicted by a special court for treason, has been on bail in

‘Russia trying to dismember Ukraine’

DHAKA: Ukraine’s embattled prime minister on Monday accused Russia of trying to ‘dismember’ his country by plotting seizures of government buildings in eastern regions that are seeking to break away from Kiev.Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s latest volley against Ukraine’s

India police lodge case against Israeli diplomats

DHAKA: The Indian police have lodged a criminal case against three Israeli diplomats for allegedly abusing and injuring an airport immigration official, despite them enjoying diplomatic immunity.An Indian officer said Monday, reports The Straits Times.A scuffle broke out late on Saturday

French envoy barred from Rwanda genocide commemorations

DHAKA: The French ambassador to Rwanda said on Monday he has been barred from attending events marking the 20th anniversary of the genocide, amid a major diplomatic row surrounding France’s controversial role in the events of 1994.‘Yesterday night the Rwandan foreign ministry

Putin’s party loses mayor race in Russia’s 3rd largest city

DHAKA: The Communist Party won a surprise victory against president Vladimir Putin’s ruling party in a mayoral race in Russia’s third largest city of Novosibirsk.Election officials said on Monday, reports The Straits Times.Communist lawmaker Anatoly Lokot won 43.75 percent of the vote

Baby Prince lands in New Zealand for first tour

DHAKA: Britain’s baby Prince George arrived in New Zealand with parents Prince William and Catherine on Monday for the eight-month-old’s first ever official tour.Strong winds, rain and poor visibility greeted the royals in Wellington at the start of a three-week tour of New Zealand

Plane search has `best lead so far`

DHAKA: An Australian vessel searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane has detected signals consistent with those from aircraft black boxes.Australian defence vessel Ocean Shield acquired the signal twice, once for more than two hours, Australia said.Air Chief Marshal Angus

Libyan rebels agree to end oil terminal siege

DHAKA: Rebels in Libya have agreed to re-open two of the four oil terminals they have blockaded since July, according to the country`s official news agency, LANA.The deal between the government and rebels over the Zueitina and Hariga oil ports was announced on Sunday.Both sides have set a

Pro-Russians storm Ukraine buildings

DHAKA: Pro-Russian protesters have stormed government buildings in three eastern Ukrainian cities.In Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv they clashed with police, hung Russian flags from the buildings and called for a referendum on independence, reports the BBC.Ukraine`s acting president called

MH370 skirted Indonesia to avoid radar

DHAKA: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 flew around Indonesian airspace apparently to avoid detection after vanishing from radar screens on March 8, a media report said Sunday, suggesting the possibility of a more sinister reason behind the jet`s disappearance.Malaysian authorities, citing

Voting for India’s Lok Sabha poll begins

DHAKA: India`s general election, to elect 543 members to the 16th Lok Sabha, kicks off today, with balloting starting from two states in the northeast - Assam and Tripura.The nine-phase voting, that will be done in 930,000 polling stations across the country with a staggering 814 million

Rahul warns of religious trouble

DHAKA: Rahul Gandhi, frontman for India’s ruling Congress party, warned on Sunday on the eve of the world’s biggest election that the country faces religious turmoil if the opposition Hindu nationalist party wins power.Gandhi said majority Hindus would be pitted against minority

Pro-Russian protesters storm govt building in Ukraine

DHAKA: About 50 pro-Russian protesters chanting ‘Donetsk is a Russian city!’ broke through police lines on Sunday and stormed inside the main administration building of the eastern Ukrainian city.The activists moved away from a crowd of about 2,000 rallying on the main city square and

Bomb kills Afghan election workers, destroys ballot papers

DHAKA: A roadside bomb killed two Afghan election workers and destroyed dozens of ballot papers in northern Afghanistan on Sunday, the police and an election official said, the day after an election that ended without any major violence despite Taliban threats.Around 60 percent of

Blasts kill one, 14 wounded in southern Thailand

DHAKA: One person was killed and 14 wounded on Sunday in a series of apparently co-ordinated blasts, including a car bomb, in a major town in Thailand`s insurgency-hit south.Thailand army said, reports The Straits Times.Four explosions rocked Yala, a provincial capital, on Sunday

Time running out to meet global warming target

DHAKA: World powers are running out of time to slash their use of high-polluting fossil fuels and stay below agreed limits on global warming.A draft United Nations study to be approved this week shows, says The Straits Times.Government officials and top climate scientists will meet in

Mass prayer held in KL for jet passengers

DHAKA: More than 2,000 people including relatives held an emotional mass prayer on Sunday for the safety of the passengers on MH370.Orange-robed Buddhist monks chanted mantras for almost two hours, before about two dozen tearful relatives left the event.The Straits Times publishes this

Japan to build hi-tech power plants in Malaysia, Myanmar

DHAKA: Two Japanese companies have agreed deals to develop advanced coal-fired power plants in Malaysia and Myanmar as part of a government drive to export energy efficiency technology to emerging markets.A report said Sunday.The Japanese government is seeking to promote the export of