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Halle Berry launches TV production company

Entertainment Desk |
Update: 2014-03-08 04:19:36
Halle Berry launches TV production company

DHAKA: Actress Halle Berry is set to launch a TV production company. She has named the company 606 Films, after the anti-paparazzi bill she helped get signed into law last year.

The legislation protects celebrities’ children from over-aggressive photographers.

Berry’s production partner Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas, says, ‘606 Films is named for the anti-paparazzi bill, Senate Bill 606, which Halle fought so hard for and won, when no one believed it could be achieved. It truly informs the spirit of our company, making dreams possible, one bill at a time’.

Reports suggest Berry decided to start her own production company after falling in love with the process while serving as an executive producer on Steven Spielberg’s new TV series Extant, in which she also stars, reports

BDST: 1510 HRS, MAR 08, 2014

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