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Take action against 23 DGHS officials: ACC to Health Ministry

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Update: 2019-01-23 18:09:38
Take action against 23 DGHS officials: ACC to Health Ministry

DHAKA: Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) wrote letter to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, with an urge to take action against 23 officials of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).

The letter signed by Mohammad Munir Chowdhury, ACC Secretary (additional assignment), has been sent to the ministry on Wednesday (Jan 23).

According to a copy of the letter received by Banglanews, the commission thinks action should be taken against corrupted, imperious, greedy officials of DGHS. 

In addition, the anti-graft watchdog attached a list of 23 officials’ names with the letter.

ACC deputy-director (Public Relations) Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya confirmed the matter to Banglanews.

BDST: 1714 HRS, JAN 23, 2019


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