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Govt warns of mosquito killing confusion with harpic

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Update: 2019-07-31 13:59:45
Govt warns of mosquito killing confusion with harpic

DHAKA: The government has urged the countrymen to be aware about the spreading confusion over the simultaneous use of harpic in destroying Aedes mosquitoes amid panic of dengue fever.

According to a press note issued on Wednesday (July 31), the government's attention has been drawn to a misleading post on social media and a few online news portals on prevention of mosquitos.

“It has been said to destroy Aedes mosquito eggs and larva by pouring harpic or bleaching powder into the sink with water.”

Quoting specialists’, the press note said the Aedes mosquito cannot be destroyed in such way. Moreover, it will cause serious damage and permanent disasters for human health, aquatic life, plants, the environment and overall atmosphere.

Quoting Health Ministry sources, the information ministry said that people are being asked not to be confused.

To prevent the spread of Aedes mosquitoes, the information ministry has instructed all the agencies under the ministry to keep their respective office compound clean and monitor the cleanliness activities every three days.

The Ministry of Information issued the directive following the direction of the Cabinet Division.

BDST: 1322 HRS, JULY 31, 2019

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