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Set up hotline thru outsourcing to give service to consumers: HC

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Update: 2019-08-27 17:07:44
Set up hotline thru outsourcing to give service to consumers: HC High Court

DHAKA: The High Court asked Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCRP) to launch hotline through outsourcing within 3 months to provide round-the-clock service to consumers.

The court asked the finance ministry and commerce ministry to allocate necessary budget without any bureaucratic tangle for this purpose.

The HC bench of Justice Sheikh Hassan Arif and Justice Md Badruzzaman passed the order on Tuesday (August 27). 

The HC asked DNCRP to report on progress of the directive on October 15.

Earlier, Shamim Al Mamun, a director of admin and finance division of DNCRP, appeared before the HC bench on August 20 as per its summons order on the allocation Taka 50 lakhs to set up hotline.

Rafsan Jani Sami, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a private software company, gave expert opinion on the hotline at court.

A Supreme Court lawyer barrister Shihab Uddin Khan filed the wrt petition on behalf of Palash Mahmud, executive director of Consumer Rights society on May 5.

BDST: 1707 HRS, AUG 27, 2019


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