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US sees BD as ÔÇÿGlobal Health Initiative PlusÔÇÖ country

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-23 00:45:00

DHAKA: The United States has selected Bangladesh as one of the eight `Global Health Initiative Plus’ countries to improve the country’s health situation through additional bankrolling of the sector.

The other seven countries are Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nepal and Rwanda, said a joint press release issued by the US State Department, US Agency for International Development (USAID) and US Department of Health and Human Services Wednesday.

“The government of USA will invest $63 billion, approximately Tk 434,700 crore, for over six years to provide quality health services and combat infectious diseases under this new initiative in eight countries, focusing on health of women, newborns and children,” the press release said.

As a Global Health Initiative Plus (GHI) country, Bangladesh will receive additional technical and financial resources in the health sector.

This support will be spent in preventing HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, polio and other infectious diseases, water, sanitation, hygiene, maternal and child health, nutrition, population, family planning, reproductive health, gender issues and strengthening health systems at the upazila level.

In Bangladesh, the US government through USAID, Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Defense will work with the Government of Bangladesh.

The program will also assist NGOs and private sector in addressing critical health problems and achieving the national Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The US Government’s expenditure in the health sector in Bangladesh has doubled in the past four years, according to the release.

BDST: 2010 HRS. June 23, 2010

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