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India reports 6,531 Covid cases, 315 deaths in 24 hours

Health Desk |
Update: 2021-12-27 14:08:00
India reports 6,531 Covid cases, 315 deaths in 24 hours [photo collected]

India reported 6,531 new coronavirus cases and 315 deaths on Monday, according to the health ministry. 

This pushed the total active cases to 75,841 and the death count to 4,79,997. 

The number of Omicron cases has risen to 578 in the country and at least 151 have recovered, the health ministry said today.

Meanwhile, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh on Sunday reported their first cases of the Omicron variant. 

Delhi- which also has reported the most number of coronavirus cases - has 142 cases of the new variant. It is followed by Maharashtra, which has 141 cases. Kerala has 57 cases and Gujarat 49.

In view of the fast-spreading Omicron variant, India on Saturday announced booster shots for health and frontline workers and those above 60 from January 10. 

In a late night address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also announced vaccinations for children between 15 and 18 years from January 3.

The Delhi government has, meanwhile, imposed night curfew from 11 pm to 5 am, starting December 27.

Source: NDTV

BSDT: 1407 HRS, DEC 27, 2021

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