Saturday, 21 Sep, 2024


‘Washington has not offered sanctions relief to Tehran’

International Desk |
Update: 2013-11-03 05:38:44
‘Washington has not offered sanctions relief to Tehran’

DHAKA: The US has not offered any sanctions relief to Iran, the lead US negotiator with Iran, Wendy Sherman told Channel 10 ahead of talks between Tehran and world power scheduled for November 7-8.

‘We have not offered any sanctions relief on Iran, and we have not removed any sanctions,’ Sherman said in an excerpt of an interview with Channel 10 set to be broadcast in full on Sunday, reports The Jerusalem Post.

The Obama administrations has been seeking to dissuade US lawmakers from imposing fresh sanctions against Iran to allow for flexibility going into the second round of talks of Tehran’s nuclear programme.

BDST: 1726 HRS, NOV 03, 2013

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