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Syrian opposition wants rebel backing for Geneva talks

International Desk |
Update: 2013-11-10 09:29:41

DHAKA: Syria’s opposition is edging towards agreeing to international peace talks in Geneva but wants approval from fighters inside the country first to give the process more legitimacy.

Sources at talks in Istanbul said late November 9, Turkish daily Hurriyet publishes this report on November 10.

The leadership of the Syrian National Coalition is meeting to agree its stance on the so-called ‘Geneva 2’ talks, which aim to end Syria’s two-and-a-half year civil war by creating a transitional governing body.

A draft resolution reaffirms the coalition’s commitment to a political solution to the conflict and echoes a declaration in London last month by the Friends of Syria pro-opposition alliance, ruling out any role for president Bashar al-Assad in a transitional administration, opposition sources said.

The 108-member coalition is to due vote on the resolution, with 50 percent plus one vote needed for it to pass.

But opposition sources said coalition members want to seek the backing of rebel fighting units, community leaders and activists inside Syria for the resolution, to counter criticism that it is out of touch with those battling on the ground.

BDST: 1945 HRS, NOV 10, 2013

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