Saturday, 28 Sep, 2024


Scores killed in Indian plane crash

Update: 2010-05-22 19:00:58

Dhaka: At least 160 people, including 19 children and 6 crews, are believed killed as an Air India Express aircraft from Dubai overshot the runway while landing at Mangalore airport early Saturday, reports reaching here said.

According to Karnataka Home Minister V S Acharya, the airplane was carrying 169 passengers from the Middle-eastern business hub, and only a few of them were rescued alive.   

“Following the crash, 20 fire units rushed to spot and rescued 6-7 survivors from under the rubble,” says one report about the disastrous air crash.

Prime Minster Manmohan Singh and UPA leader Sonia Gandhi showed condolences in connection with the tragic accident.

Meanwhile, in view of the grim tragedy, the UPA government cancelled Saturday’s celebrations of the first anniversary of assumption of power by the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government.

BDST 9:45hrs, 22 May 2010

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