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Bill Gates reclaims top of Forbes billionaire list

International Desk |
Update: 2014-03-04 02:42:41
Bill Gates reclaims top of Forbes billionaire list Photo Courtesy:

DHAKA: Bill Gates has returned to the top of Forbes magazine’s annual list of the world’s richest people, as rising stock markets swelled the ranks of billionaires, which included a record number of women.

With a net worth of US$76 billion, the Microsoft Corp co-founder reclaimed the top spot after a four-year hiatus, toppling Mexico’s telecommunications mogul Carlos Slim Helu, who placed second at US$72 billion.

Forbes said in announcing the list on Monday, The Straits Times publishes this report on Tuesday.

Amancio Ortega, the Spanish founder of clothing conglomerate Inditex SA, which includes the Zara fashion chain, ranked third at US$64 billion.

Investing icon Warren Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway Inc and is a frequent bridge partner for Gates, was fourth at US$58.2 billion.

Oracle Corp chief Larry Ellison came in fifth at US$48 billion.

Gates has topped the list in 15 of the last 20 years. A record 1,645 billionaires with a total net worth of US$6.4 trillion made Forbes’ list, up from 1,426 last year.

BDST: 1338 HRS, MAR 04, 2014

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