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Manmohan happy to work for Rahul

International Desk |
Update: 2013-09-08 06:17:41
Manmohan happy to work for Rahul

DHAKA: Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh has endorsed Rahul Gandhi to lead the ruling Congress party, saying he would be ‘happy’ to work under the scion of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.

Dr Singh, who will turn 81 later this month, made the comment to reporters late Saturday while flying back from Russia after attending the G20 summit in St Petersburg.

‘I would be happy to work for the Congress under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi,’ the Hindustan Times newspaper quoted the prime minister as saying, reports The Straits Times.

Dr Singh said 43-year-old Gandhi ‘would be an ideal choice for prime minister after the 2014 elections’.

BDST: 1602 HRS, SEPT 08, 2013

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