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Prince George to be christened; godparents named

International Desk |
Update: 2013-10-23 07:58:04
Prince George to be christened; godparents named

DHAKA: Palace officials say Prince William and his wife Kate have asked seven people to be godparents to their son, Prince George.

The announcement came on the day George is to be christened at a major royal family gathering.

The godparents include close friends from their university days, a friend of William’s late mother, Princess Diana, a childhood friend of William, and a high school friend of Kate’s.

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip plan to attend the christening Wednesday at the Chapel Royal at St James’s Palace, along with Prince Charles, his wife Camilla, Prince Harry and other royals, reports The Straits Times.

BDST: 1749 HRS, OCT 23, 2013

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