Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


India says Pakistani troops attacked border posts

International Desk |
Update: 2013-10-23 07:58:58

DHAKA: India on Wednesday accused Pakistani troops of firing guns and mortars on at least 50 Indian border posts overnight in disputed Kashmir, calling it the most serious cease-fire violation between the nuclear-armed neighbours in a decade.

The attacks began Tuesday night in southern Kashmir after India’s home minister visited the region to review security, Border Security Force spokesman Vinod Yadav said.

Indian troops returned fire, but one guard was killed and six were injured by a shell fired at the Arnia post in the Jammu region, he said.

At least 100 civilians were being moved from the villages of Arnia and Ramgarh near the frontier, local Indian police officer Rajesh Kumar said.

Hundreds more were sheltering overnight in government camps away from any gunfire, which had injured 12 civilians in recent days, officials said.

‘These people usually go back to their homes in the day as the firing incidents mainly occur during the night,’ said civil administrator Shantmanu, who uses one name, reports The Straits Times.

BDST: 1752 HRS, OCT 23, 2013

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