Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Syria frees women prisoners as part of hostage swap

International Desk |
Update: 2013-10-23 07:59:46

DHAKA: Syrian authorities have released 10 women jailed for helping the opposition, the first batch of 126 women expected to be freed in the final stages of a three-way hostage swap.

Syria rights activists said on Wednesday, reports The Jerusalem Post.

The women’s release was the main demand of kidnappers in northern Syria who had held nine Lebanese men hostage for 17 months.

Those hostages and two Turkish pilots abducted in Lebanon were freed last week under a deal negotiated by Qatar.

‘They (the 10 women) were released overnight. We do not know if more will be released today or later, or if that is it. We are waiting,’ said a Syrian human rights activist.

Syria has made no official comment about the release, nor has it acknowledged having any role in a hostage exchange deal.

BDST: 1754 HRS, OCT 23, 2013

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