Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


‘Pakistan should do more to end drones’

International Desk |
Update: 2013-10-23 08:59:27

DHAKA: Pakistani media on Wednesday urged the government to do more to show it is sincere about its desire to end US drone strikes in the country’s tribal regions.

An Amnesty International report on the US drone campaign on Tuesday warned some of the strikes may amount to war crimes, though Washington insists they all comply with international law.

Islamabad regularly condemns the strikes on suspected Taliban and al-Qaeda militants as counter-productive and a violation of sovereignty, and prime minister Nawaz Sharif is expected to raise the issue in talks at the White House on Wednesday, reports The Straits Times.

But newspaper editorials warned that if Pakistan wanted to end the drone campaign it needed to take steps to root out militancy in the seven semi-autonomous tribal areas along the Afghan border.

BDST: 1801 HRS, OCT 23, 2013

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