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Freedom fighters choose Morshed-Matin as their cream of the crop

Senior Correrspondent |
Update: 2010-06-27 19:08:21

DHAKA: The freedom fighters countrywide chose the Morshed-Matin duo as their leaders in Bangladesh Muktijoddha Sangsad Central Command Council through Saturday’s voting in the first direct election in the organization’s history.   

The results were published on Sunday night in the election control room installed at the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs. The results showed that Major-General (Retd) Helal Morshed bagged 54,412 votes while his close contestant Abdul Ahad Chowdhury got 36,258.  

Emdad Hossain Matin, the running mate of Morshed, was elected Secretary general by defeating Mahiuddin Ahmed, as the Morshed-Matin panel swept the polls.

In a swift comment, the chairman-elect, Helal Morshed, told, “We will work for the welfare of the freedom fighters.”

He thanked the freedom fighters across the country for electing their panel.

Three panels participated in the election and the freedom fighters cast their ballots at 481 centers across the country.

However, Ismat Kadir Gama, one of the defeated chairman candidates, complained that the vote was marred by machinations. “All the bureaucrats, including the state minister for Liberation War Affairs, influenced the election and worked in Helal’s favour,” he said.      

A five-member election commission led by cabinet secretary Abdul Aziz conducted the polls.

BDST 0030 HRS. JUNE 29,2010               

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