Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Godown goes up in flames in chemical-fuelled fire in Chittagong

Chittagong Bureau |
Update: 2010-06-27 20:35:04

CHITTAGONG:  A chemical godown and a furniture shop went up in flames in the port city Monday, but the cause of the fire could not be known yet.

Fire-service official Tapan Das said the fire broke out at the chemical godown first and then spread to the furniture shop nearby in the morning.

He said the Karnaphuli Paper Mill warehouse was hired by two businessmen. One portion of the godown was being used for storing various goods and the other portion as godown of different chemicals.

“The fire broke out at around 5 in the morning. Ten fire-fighting units from different stations drove in and fought for seven hours to douse the fire,” said Tapan Das.

Chemicals and furniture worth Tk 3 crore burnt to ashes in the chemical-fuelled raging fire.

BDST/1630, June 28, 2010

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