The Detective Branch of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police recovered Tk9 crore just a few hours after some Tk11.25 crore had been robbed on Thursday (Mar 9) morning from a car that was going to refill ATMs in Turag area of Dhaka's Uttara.
Besides, police also detained seven people for interrogation in this connection.
Haroon Or Rashid, chief of Detective Branch of police confirmed the matter.
Earlier today, Robbers looted about Tk11.25 crore in cash of Dutch Bangla Bank from a car that was going to refill ATMs in Turag area of Dhaka's Uttara.
The incident took place at Dhaka's Turag area at 7:30am in today’s morning.
Police said that at Uttara Sector-16, a group of armed people stopped the vehicle and took away the money at gunpoint.
BDST: 2004 HRS, MAR 09, 2023