Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


GS of Swechhasebak Dal and ward councilor Sapu gets bail

Court Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-29 20:15:17

DHAKA: A Dhaka court Wednesday granted bail to general secretary of Jatiyatabadi Swechchasebak Dal Mir Sharafat Ali Sapu, who was held during the June 27 hartal hullabaloo.

Metropolitan Magistrate SK Tofayel Hassan gave the bail order.

A case was filed against him on charge of preventing police from discharging their duties and vandalizing vehicles during the strike.
Besides, the same court bailed councilor of Dhanmandi ward 49 Abul Khayer in the same case as he surrendered and appealed for bail.

BDST: 1627 HRS. June 30, 2010

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