Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Moudud asks govt to stop coercion or face movement

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-29 22:40:47

DHAKA: BNP Standing Committee member Barrister Moudud Ahmed MP asked the government to stop what they call tyrannical treatment with the opponents or else his party would launch a mass movement against the rulers.

“Stop repression on arrested BNP leaders, otherwise we will be forced to launch greater movement,” he said on a note of warning.

Referring to their boycott of the parliament session, he said, “BNP will not return to parliament unless a congenial environment is created there.”   

The former law minister made the observations while speaking at a human chain formed Wednesday at the East Plaza of parliament by the BNP parliamentary party (BNPPP) to demand unconditional release of its leaders arrested during the hartal on June 27 and an end to “torture” on them.

Around 25 lawmakers participated in the human-chain demo led by Zainal Abdin Farrouk, Chief Whip of the Opposition.

Some leaders, including BNP MP Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Annee, were arrested during the countrywide general strike.

Moudud said the government “bared its real face of medieval barbarism by attacking Mirza Abbas’ house”.

He demanded withdrawal of the cases and release of all BNP leaders, including MP Annee.

BDST 1338 hrs June 30, 2010  

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