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Special pay scale for non-govt. MPhil/PhD teachers sought

Update: 2010-05-21 19:05:19

DHAKA: The teachers of non-government colleges who hold M.Phil and PhD degrees Friday demanded immediate implementation of the government-declared special pay scale for them in removing “discrimination” between government and non-government institutions’ teachers.

“We want to get promoted based on our qualifications,” one of the teachers also said at a discussion on ‘The role of higher degree-holder teachers in Educational Development’ at the National Press Club.

Non-government M.Phil/PhD Teachers’ Association, Bangladesh, organised the meet with its General Secretary Emdadul Haque in the chair.

The association leaders also alleged meritorious students are now very much reluctant to take up this ‘man-making’ profession as they are “deprived socially and economically”.

Rashed Khan Menon, chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on education, attended the program as the chief guest.

In his speech he said the government has already taken initiative to formulate an independent pay scale for the teachers.

“We will implement the promises as early as possible,” he added.

Dhaka University Vice-chancellor AAMS Arefin siddique hoped the government would give the highest priority to the education sector.

BDST: 1419HRS, May 21, 2010

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