Saturday, 28 Sep, 2024


DMP arrests two, files 2 cases in 24-hr anti-narcotics drive

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2024-06-21 12:06:09
DMP arrests two, files 2 cases in 24-hr anti-narcotics drive

The Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) in different operations in the last 24 hours till 6 am Friday (June 21) arrested two persons for their alleged involvement in selling and consuming drugs.

Being informed, the DMP’s police and detective units conducted the anti-drug campaign in the city’s various areas, seizing drugs and arresting drug sellers and abusers, said a DMP statement today.

They seized 2kg hemp, and 200gm heroin from their possessions, according to the statement. 

According to the statement, two cases were filed against the detained persons under the Narcotics Control Act.

BDST: 1205 HRS, JUNE 21, 2024

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