Saturday, 28 Sep, 2024


Matiur Rahman removed from NBR post

Staff Correspondent  |
Update: 2024-06-23 17:08:10
Matiur Rahman removed from NBR post

Matiur Rahman, a member of the National Board of Revenue (NBR) and director of the state-owned Sonali Bank PLC, has been removed from his position.

The Finance Ministry issued a circular on Sunday (June 23), stating that the decision is effective immediately.

Rahman has been removed from the NBR and reassigned to the Internal Resources Department (IRD) of the Finance Ministry.

Recently, Rahman gained attention after a video of his son purchasing a sacrificial goat at an extravagant price went viral on social media. He serves as the president of the Customs, Excise, and VAT Appellate Tribunal and as the director of Sonali Bank.

The Financial Institutions Department had recommended his three-year appointment as Sonali Bank's director on February 1, 2022.

It is likely that he will be removed from his position at Sonali Bank.

Earlier today, sources said that Rahman was instructed not to attend a board meeting of the bank.

Sources also said the Financial Institutions Division has verbally informed Sonali Bank that Rahman should not attend the board meeting. He was verbally requested to abstain from the meeting, which he agreed to do.

On June 4, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) initiated an inquiry against Rahman over allegations of accumulating illegal wealth and money laundering.

These allegations emerged after a video went viral showing his son, Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat, purchasing a goat for Tk 15 lakh before Eid-ul-Azha.

BDST: 1708 HRS, JUNE 23, 2024

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