Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Bashundhara Shuvosangho 

Monwara gets new tool as new hope for the future 

News Desk |
Update: 2024-08-31 12:41:48
Monwara gets new tool as new hope for the future 

Monwara Begum of Hatiya union is now confident of changing the fate of her family after receiving a sewing machine for free from Bashundhara Shuvosangho.

Since her husband's divorce eight years ago, Monowara has been struggling with her family and now lives with her mother, aiming to raise her fourth-grade son into a true human being.

“I followed a 3-month sewing course and focused on salwar kameez, children's pants, tapes, etc. If the villagers don't run out of clothes, everyone comes to my home for making dresses,” she said. Monowara expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the Bashundhara Group for the support, stating that the assistance has enabled them to earn bread and become self-reliant.

BDST: 1241 HRS, AUG 31, 2024

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