Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


All govt employees asked to submit wealth statements

Staff Correspondent  |
Update: 2024-09-01 18:43:22
All govt employees asked to submit wealth statements

The interim government on Sunday ordered all public service holders to submit their property statements.

A notice signed by Mohammad Zakir Hossain, senior information officer of the Ministry of Public Administration, has been issued to this end.

At present, there are nearly 15 lakh government employees, and as per a 1979 regulation, they are required to submit their wealth statements every five year to their parent ministries.

However, the regulation has not been practiced properly during the 16-year Awami League regime contributing to Bangladesh slipping by two points on TIB’s corruption index last year.

The country’s corruption scenario in the public institutions have been deteriorating over the last couple of years, TIB told journalists.

BDST: 1843 HRS, SEP 1, 2024

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