Friday, 27 Sep, 2024


RAB conducts raid on Diamond World to detain Dilip

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-03 23:41:52
RAB conducts raid on Diamond World to detain Dilip

The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) is conducting a drive at the Diamond World’s office in the capital’s Gulshan-1 to apprehend its Managing Director Dilip Kumar Agarwala.

Members of the battalion cordoned off the office since they began the drive around 10pm on Tuesday. 

Sources at the elite force confirmed that searches are underway to find out what is inside the office.

Earlier in the day, the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of police launched an investigation into allegations of money laundering against the controversial businessman and other stakeholders related to the Diamond World.

CID’s Superintendent of Police (Media) Azad Rahman told the Daily Sun that the department’s financial crime unit initiated the probe into various allegations surfaced against Agarwala.

The allegations include siphoning off a huge amount of money abroad by importing gold and diamonds into the country through smuggling, selling high-quality glass pieces as real diamonds at showrooms in different districts resorting to fraudulence, controlling gold smuggling syndicates in Dubai, the UAE and Singapore, possessing three jewellery shops and eleven houses in India’s Kolkata, amassing vast properties in Dubai and Canada, and becoming a director of a bank illegally by investing Tk40 crore through forgery.

BDST: 1141 HRS, SEPT 03, 2024

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