Thursday, 12 Sep, 2024


Letters sent to hospitals, graveyards to know number of dead

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-09 15:33:02
Letters sent to hospitals, graveyards to know number of dead

International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) has started working to gather information on the number of dead during the recent student-led mass protests.

Chief Prosecutor of the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) Mohammad Tazul Islam disclosed the matter today (Sept 9).

He said they were sending letters to district commissioners, superintendents of police, civil surgeons, authorities of public and private hospitals, large graveyards and university vice-chancellors.

He also said, "Through letters we are requesting hospital authorities to give information about how many people went to hospitals, took medication and how many died.

"We are also sending letters to the authorities of large graveyards. Letters were also sent to the vice-chancellors of universities to know what happened there," Chief Prosecutor added.

BDST: 1532 HRS, SEP 9, 2024

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