Tuesday, 17 Sep, 2024


Int'l Crime Tribunal to be reformed soon: Chief Prosecutor

News Desk | banglanews24.com
Update: 2024-09-15 18:14:18
Int'l Crime Tribunal to be reformed soon: Chief Prosecutor

International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) chief prosecutor Md Tajul Islam today (Sep 15) said the tribunal would be reconstructed soon.

He said, "The reconstitution may take place in the next one week. I had a meeting with the law adviser in this regard last week."

“Unless ICT is reconstituted the prosecution will not be able to get many necessary orders. The adviser has assured me. The trial process will start formally after the reconstitution of the tribunal," he added.

The chief prosecutor further said letters are being sent to all the media houses, private and public hospitals, civil surgeon offices, deputy commissioners, and superintendents of police, seeking information and evidence of genocides that have allegedly been taken following the order of the past Awami League government in July and August.

He said that the ICT teams are also visiting hospitals to collect evidence of genocides and crimes against humanity. He urged all to come forward with information in this regard.

The tribunal at this moment has no judges, as former chairman Abu Ahmed Jamadar went into retirement on July 13, while another judge was taken back to the High Court.

BDST: 1801 HRS, SEP 15, 2024

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