Friday, 27 Sep, 2024


Army gets magistracy power for 2 months

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-17 21:46:51
Army gets magistracy power for 2 months

The interim government has given the the commissioned officers of the Bangladesh Army the power of executive magistrate for the next two months.

A gazette notification was issued in this regard by the Ministry of Public Administration.

The fresh development comes at a time when the law and order situation across the country has deteriorated since the fall of the Sheikh Hasina-led government on 5 August.

According to the notification, the commissioned officers have been entrusted with the power of special executive magistrates as per Section 12(1) and Section 17 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898.

They would carry out their duties throughout the country, it added.

This order issued in the public interest will come into effect immediately.

 BDST: 2146 HRS, SEP 17, 2024

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