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2 siblings die, 19 fell sick

District Correspondent |
Update: 2014-04-20 07:53:52
2 siblings die, 19 fell sick

KUSHTIA: Two Siblings died and 19 others are undergoing treatment at Kumarkhali of the district Sunday after eating a poisonous watermelon.

The deceased were identified as Anik, 11 and Smrity, 9, kids of Askar Ali, of Kalua village of the upazila.

The ailing people are undergoing treatment at Kushtia General Hospital.
Family sources told banglanews that several members of Askar family and neighbors fell sick after eating a watermelon which was bought on Sunday noon.

They were rushed to the hospital where Smrity died. Anik was referred to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital as his condition deteriorated and he breathed last on way to the hospital.

Police detained the watermelon seller following the incident.

Dr. Salek Masud, senior medical officer of Kushtia General Hospital, told banglanews that probably the Watermelon had any chemicals that made it poisonous.

They might have fallen sick for eating any other foods too, he added.

BDST: 1738 HRS, APR 20, 2014

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