Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


MRP must for hajj pilgrims

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2014-05-18 23:20:00
MRP must for hajj pilgrims

DHAKA: No hand written passport holders would be allowed to go to Saudi Arabia to perform hajj from this year. The interested one must have a Machine Readable Passport (MRP) in this regard.

Regarding the matter, the Saudi government has issued a new guideline. A letter was sent to Home Affairs ministry from Foreign Affairs ministry mentioning the matter.

According to the letter the Saudi government has emphasized on MRP to enhance the visa process rapidly and correctly. The passports of the pilgrims must be machine readable so that the immigration department of Saudi Arabia may know the details of them.

None without having a MRP will be able to perform hajj this year, the letter said.

BDST: 0915 HRS, MAY 19, 2014

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