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Legality of MPs’ duty-free car import challenged

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2014-05-19 01:27:00
Legality of MPs’ duty-free car import challenged

DHAKA: A Supreme Court lawyer filed a writ petition with the High Court Monday morning challenging the legality of import of duty-free vehicles for parliament members and seeking directives against it.

The petition was filed by the lawyer of Supreme Court Dr. Yunus Ali Akand.

The petition was filed seeking the issuance of a rule why the decision of import of duty-free vehicles for MPs shouldn’t be cancelled. 

He also sought its stay order on importing duty-free vehicles from abroad for the parliament members until the rule is dissolved.

Finance Secretary, Chairman of National Board of Revenue, Commerce Secretary and Cabinet Secretary were made the defendants of the writ.

According to the writ statement the MPs of India use vehicles of 1300cc where the Bangladeshi parliament members use luxurious cars of 3000-5000cc.

The MPs are illogically and illegally importing duty-free vehicles for their own sake but the reaction returns to mass of the country.

The most of the parliament members remain absent in the parliament session but they take all facilities includes accommodation, salary and other allowances moreover importing duty-free expensive vehicles.

BDST: 1127HRS, MAY 19, 2014, updated 1242

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