Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Handloom, powerloom people go on indefinite strike

Shahin Afroz |
Update: 2010-05-12 02:46:08

Dhaka: Handlooms and power-looms in the country came to a grinding halt as the owners Wednesday called a nonstop strike to press for free import of yarns through Benapole land port--a plea opposed tooth and nail by spinning millers.

Bangladesh Handloom and Powerloom Owners Association (BHPOA) called the strike as the government has not yet taken any step to bring down the high prices of homespun yarns despite giving assurances.

Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) also expressed their solidarity with the industrial action at the call of the loom owners, as both the sides of the apparel sector are affected by high prices of yarn.

A number of BHPOA leaders told Banglanews that a ‘syndicate’ allegedly created by the spinning-mill owners is spinning money in terms of crores of taka by jacking up yarn prices on the domestic market.

“Some 1.25 crore handloom workers across the country, including 5 lakh in Narsingdi, the hub of handloom industry, became jobless as most of the weaving mills went bust due to price hike of yarns,” the association informed.

The leaders said the strike would continue until their demands are met.

BDST: 1312 Hrs, May 12,2010

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