Sunday, 29 Sep, 2024


Mozena’s travel to the United States

News Desk |
Update: 2014-06-07 09:53:00
Mozena’s travel to the United States

DHAKA: US Ambassador Mozena will travel to the United States in June.

In addition to participating in official consultations within the US Government and with Members and staff of Congress, Ambassador Mozena will speak to the Heritage Foundation (Washington) on the US-Bangladesh partnership.  

Ambassador Mozena will also present a key note address at a conference on “Globalization and Sustainability of Bangladesh Garment Industry” at Harvard University.  

In addition, Ambassador Mozena will engage the Bangladeshi-American diaspora during visits to Florida and New York City.  Ambassador Mozena will also lead a select group of young Bangladeshi businessmen on a planned program to Wall Street (New York City) and Silicon Valley (California.)  

Throughout his three-week sojourn in the U.S., the Ambassador seeks to further deepen and strengthen America’s partnership with Bangladesh.  He will return to Dhaka at the end of June.

BDST: 1948 HRS, JUNE 07, 2014

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