Sunday, 29 Sep, 2024


50 workers fall sick after having tiffin

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2014-06-07 23:00:00
50 workers fall sick after having tiffin

GAZIPUR: At least 50 workers of a readymade garment factory in Konabari Jarun area of the district fell sick after taking tiffin on Saturday night.

Sources said that the workers of T Design Sweater Factory started vomiting immediately after taking the tiffin supplied by the factory management around 8:00pm.

Later, the workers were sent to Sharif Medical and other clinics. 

Following the matter, additional police forces were deployed in the area to avoid untoward situations. 

Gazipur Industrial Police Inspector Nazrul Islam confirmed the matter to banglanews.

BDST: 0852 HRS, JUN 08, 2014

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