Saturday, 21 Sep, 2024


Broadcast policy challenged

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2014-08-18 00:53:00
Broadcast policy challenged

DHAKA: A writ petition was filed with High Court challenging the legality of recently approved National Broadcast Policy-2014.

The writ was filed by Supreme Court Lawyer Eunus Ali Akond on Monday morning saying the law curtailed the freedom of press.

The lawyer urged the court to ask the government to explain why the broadcast policy should not be declared illegal. He also sought a stay on the operation of the policy. The hearing may be held on Tuesday.

“The policy is against the fundamental rights of people as it restricts publishing reports against the government, armed forces and friendly countries,” he added.

On August 4 disregarding strong criticism from different quarters, cabinet approved the policy and issued a gazette notification.

BDST: 1050 HRS, AUG 18, 2014/1429 HRS

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