Sunday, 29 Sep, 2024


16th Charter Amend Bill okayed

Parliament to impeach SC judges

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2014-08-18 02:59:00
Parliament to impeach SC judges

DHAKA: The cabinet Monday approved the sixteenth charter amendment proposal restoring parliament's authority to impeach Supreme Court judges for irregularities.

The regular meeting, chaired by prime minister sheikh Hasina at secretariat, passed the draft of “Constitution (16th Amendment) Bill 2014”.

Cabinet Secretary M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan later told journalists that the decision was finalized after vetting.

Earlier on August 11, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in a cabinet meeting, asked law minister Barrister Anisul Huq about the updates of the bill.

The law ministry will place the bill in the next parliament session scheduled to begin on September 1.

According to the constitution of 1972, section 96, the impeachment of Supreme Court judges was in the hand of parliament but military ruler Ziaur Rahman withdrew the section through martial law proclamation.

Later, the authority was given to the ‘Supreme Judicial Council’.

BDST: 1406 HRS, AUG 18, 2014

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