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Improved infrastructure may reduce road accident: Research

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-08-01 21:31:05

DHAKA: Over 40 percent deaths and injuries stemming from road accidents could be reduced by infrastructural development of roads and highways, according to a research.      

Wide shoulders of roads, roadside and median divider, crossing facilities, footpaths, curtailing intersection and strict use of traffic signals could reduce 38 percent accidents and prevent over 30,000 deaths on Dhaka-Sylhet and 43 percent accidents and 18,000 deaths on Dhaka-Mymensingh highways over the last 20 years.

International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) Monday revealed the research outcomes at a workshop on a pilot project on two highways conducted by the Road and Highway Department organized by BRAC at BRAC Centre in the city.

The research showed that the overall benefit cost ratio of this approach would be better.

Addressing the workshop, Abdul Khaleque, Chief Engineer of Roads and Highway Department, blamed lack of experience of drivers, problems of vehicles and infrastructural troubles of the roads for road accidents.

BUET Professor Dr Mazaharul Hoque emphasized on the need for having a government-run comprehensive street security cell for ensuring the security of the roads and highways.

He termed road mishaps as ‘manmade disaster’ and said a small step may save lot of lives.
BDST: 1907 HRS, AUGUST 02, 2010.

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