DHAKA: The Traffic department of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) conducting drives for 2nd-day against random crossing the road not using foot over bridge, zebra crossing and underpass.
They started the drives from 10:00am Wednesday in four points of the city.
Among them, two magistrates are conducting the drives at Karwan Bazar and Bangla Motor areas. They are also fining the people who are violating the law.
The traffic police said they are conducting the drives to increase awareness to use foot over bridge, zebra crossing and underpass to prevent accidents, traffic congestion.
Magistrate Sarwar Alam, who is working in Karwan Bazar said he fined 12 people from Tk20 to Tk200 for violating laws.
In Bangla Motor point, Magistrate M Abdul Kuddus fined five people.
The DMP began their awareness campaign from November 22 for using foot over bridge, zebra crossing and underpass to prevent life risk.
Earlier on November 22, police commissioner Benazir Ahmed said in a press conference in DMP media centre immediate action will be taken who will violate laws.
On November 21, the DMP set up an automatic digital blocker in front of its headquarters.
BDST: 1149 HRS, NOV 26, 2014