Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Noor Hossain Balai is no more

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-09-11 23:00:59
Noor Hossain Balai is no more

DHAKA: Noor Hossain Balai, an eminent film director, passed away at the age of 58 on Sunday noon.

Noor Hossain’s nephew Masum Noor Tison told banglanews that he was rushed to the city’s BIRDEM Hospital when he suddenly felt sick at about 12 noon.

The duty doctor of the hospital declared him dead after admission "in critical condition".

He left behind his wife, two daughters, a son and a number of relatives and fans to mourn his death.

He had suffered from diabetes for several years. Besides, he had undergone surgery on his eye a few days ago.
Noor Hossain was born on February 1, 1952 in Munshiganj.

He entered the film-dom as an assistant director.  He came to the limelight by directing his first film ‘Chhakkapanja’ in mid-90s.

His other important films are Sikandar, Inspector, Bis Kanyar Prem, Dagee, Dabider etc.

Later, he started producing film.  

BDST: 1949 HRS, SEPT 12, 2010.

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