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Police-RMG workers clash leaves 35 injured in Tejgaon

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-15 13:27:15

Dhaka:  A street fight between police and garment workers in the capital’s Tejgaon industrial area Tuesday left at least 35 people injured, including nine cops.

During the melee, police fired teargas shells and rubber bullets to quell the angry workers of Samahar Sweater Factory, witnesses said.

The garment workers were agitating in front of their factory demanding its reopening and reinstatement of the sacked workers. The authorities earlier had shut down the factory.  

“The clash erupted and turned the busy area into a battlefield when police attempted to disperse the agitating workers who put up roadblocks,” says a spot report.

The troubles spilled over the entire industrial area as workers of other factories also came in aid of their colleagues, witnesses said.

Later, Tejgaon police brought the situation under control.   

Nine members of police were injured in the clash, police said.

General secretary of Tejgaon unit of Sramik Union Mohammad Jubair Ali said the clash triggered by the police action.

Eight among the injured were rushed to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Others were given first aid in different clinics.  

BDST: 05:00 Hrs, June 15, 2010.

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