Saturday, 28 Sep, 2024


Minor girl violated in Kushtia struggles for life

Update: 2010-05-17 18:51:31

Kushtia: A minor girl bestially violated by her neighbour is struggling for life in Kushtia General Hospital.

Police said the five-year-old girl of village Boaldaha in Sadar upazila was meted out the assault by Ashraf after tempting her into his home with chocolate while she was playing with her friends on Friday evening.

“Seriously injured, the let out screams. People rushed in and rescued her,” says a firsthand account of the incident.

She was admitted to the hospital in a critical condition.

The attending doctor informed that condition of the girl is “still serious and nothing can be said before 24 hours”.

The victim’s mother filed a case with Sadar thana under the Women and Children Repression Prevention Act.

BDST: 12:51 Hrs. 2010-05-15

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