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PM HasinaÔÇÖs call from ESCAP meet <br>Create open trade regime for access of LDC products to develo

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-05-17 19:44:56

DHAKA: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Monday made a strong plea at a UN agency meet for creating an open global trade regime that ensures effective access of products of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) to developed countries’ markets.

She also called for adequate representation of LDCs in the governing structures of the IMF and the World Bank and an early and fair conclusion of the much-vaunted global trade talks dubbed Doha Development Round.

The Prime Minister made the pleas at the 66th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in South Korea.
Heads of state or government and ministers of the Asia-Pacific region met in Korean city Incheon to agree on joint economic and development policies to promote green growth and clean technology agenda across the region.

The meeting drew leaders from the 60 countries of the Asia-Pacific regional arm of the United Nations.

The theme of the session was “Addressing Challenges in the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals: Promoting a Stable and Supportive Financial System and Green Growth”.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Chung Un-chan, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP Dr. Noeleen Heyzer and the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Edward Natapei, also spoke during the opening session.

Followed by the opening, a ministerial roundtable titled "A Supportive Financial System and Green Growth for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the Asia-Pacific Region" took place with President of Kiribati Mr Anote Tong presenting the keynote.

Hasina said the discontents of developing countries, especially the LDCs, must be addressed for achieving a sustained open world trade regime.

“FDI needs to flow more into LDCs’ productive sectors to generate employment. LDCs should also have adequate representation in the governing structures of the IMF and the World Bank,” she said.

On the red-hot climate issue, Sheikh Hasina said specific greenhouse emission cuts by all major emitters must be under a legally binding agreement in the COP 16 to be held in Mexico City. She urged the world leaders to include elements of the Kyoto Protocol and recommendations of the Bali Plan of Action in the agreement.

Bangladesh has adopted 134 climate-change action plans as well as a fund called Climate Change Fund with US $ 100 million from internal resources, and a Multi-Donor Trust Fund with the help of the donors, she apprised the ESCAP summit meet.

The Prime Minister advocated for “investment in people” in order to empower the weak to free themselves from poverty, hunger, ill health, gender discrimination, inequity and illiteracy.

“We aim to get free from illiteracy by 2014, free education for all up to graduation level, special care for old people and social safety net for widows,” she said.

BDST: 1739HRS, May 17, 2010


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