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Deputy Speaker's body to arrive on Monday

News Desk |
Update: 2022-07-23 14:04:03
Deputy Speaker's body to arrive on Monday

The body of Jatiya Sangsad Deputy Speaker Advocate Fazle Rabbi Miah will arrive here at 8:40 am on Monday by an Emirates flight from New York.

Earlier, a namaz-e-janaza will be held after Johor prayer at the Jamaica Muslim Center, New York tomorrow, said a press release.

After arrival of the body, his first namaz-e-janaza will be held at the National Parliament followed by second one on the Supreme Court premises.

Then, his body will be taken to Gaibandha as he will be buried at his family graveyard after another namaz-e-janaja at the Bharatkhali school ground there.

Fazle Rabbi Miah passed away around 2 am on Saturday (BD time) at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, USA while undergoing treatment there.

He was suffering from incurable cancer.

BDST: 1403 HRS, JUL 23, 2022

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