Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Indian strike stops export-import trade through Benapole landport

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-25 20:30:06

DHAKA:  Export-import trade between Bangladesh and India through Benapole, the largest land-port of the country, halted as a transport strike was enforced Saturday in the Indian State of West Bengal to protest a raise in petroleum prices.

Central Trade Union (CITU) backed by the state’s ruling CPI (M) party, enforced the 24-hour strike from six in the morning, reports reaching newsroom said.

Moreover, several hundred Bangladeshis who were on their way to India became stranded on the Indian side of the frontier. “The people are passing time at the offices of moneychangers and transport companies, but their sufferings know no bounds,” says a report from the area.

Bangladeshi cargo officer Debashis Kunda said Bangladesh trucks carrying exportable crossed the border to Petrapole in the morning, but didn’t return yet. Petrapole Clearing Agent Staff Welfare Association General Secretary Kartik Chakraborty said loading and unloading of goods at Petrapole remained suspended because of the strike called by CITU.

“Trucks carrying goods from Bangladesh side are coming to India, but no trucks are entering Bangladesh with goods from India,” he said.

Chakraborty said talks were in progress among workers’ organisations to keep the export-import operations going.

Deputy Director of Traffic Aminul Islam said the strike in India would not have any impact on Bangladesh side as loading and unloading at Benapole continued as usual.

BDST/1435, June 26, 2010-06-26

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