Saturday, 28 Sep, 2024


Anisul, Mamun shown arrested in another murder case

Staff Correspondent  |
Update: 2024-09-23 13:46:15
Anisul, Mamun shown arrested in another murder case

Former law minister Advocate Anisul Huq and former inspector general of police (IGP) Chowdhury Abdullah Al Mamun were shown arrested today  (September 23) in connection with separate murder cases, lodged with the city's Khilgaon and Uttara West Police Stations.

In presence of the accused before the court of Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Nurul Huda Chowdhury this morning, the Investigating Officer (IO) sought to show them arrested in Hafez Zubair and Maulana Sadikul murder cases.

The court accepted the plea and passed the order.

Zubair was killed on August 5 while attending a protest rally in Khilgaon area. Later, his father filed a murder case with Khilgaon Police Station on September 12, the IO said.

Mamun on the other hand, was also shown arrested in another murder case filed with Uttara West Police Station over the death of Hafez Maulana Sadikul Islam.

Sadikul was gunned down on the streets of Uttara, during the anti-discrimination student movement on July 19.

BDST: 1346 HRS, SEP 23, 2024

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