Wednesday, 03 Jul, 2024


Syrian state-run daily calls Obama move a retreat

DHAKA: A Syrian state-run newspaper says that US president Barack Obama’s decision to seek congressional approval before taking military action against Syria marks ‘the start of the historic American retreat’.In a front-page editorial on Sunday, the Al-Thawra daily says Obama’s

Broadcaster, writer Sir David Frost dies

DHAKA: Veteran broadcaster Sir David Frost has died at the age of 74 after a suspected heart attack.Sir David’s career spanned journalism, comedy writing and daytime television presenting, including The Frost Report and That Was The Week That Was.Internationally, he will be remembered

‘Response to US intervention will go beyond Syria’s borders’

DHAKA: The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has said that the response to a possible military intervention in Syria by the United States will go beyond the Syrian borders.Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari made the remarks on the sidelines of a meeting of

N Korea called off envoy visit because of US military drills

DHAKA: North Korea said late on Saturday it withdrew an invitation for a US envoy to visit the country to discuss the fate of a jailed American citizen because US military drills on the peninsula made humanitarian dialogue impossible.Robert King, special envoy for North Korean human

Mandela discharged from hospital

DHAKA: Anti-apartheid leader and former South African president Nelson Mandela was discharged from hospital and returned home on Sunday after being treated for a recurring lung infection, the government said in a statement.‘Madiba’s condition remains critical and is at times

Nigeria Islamists kill 24 vigilantes in ambush

DHAKA: Twenty-four vigilantes in northeast Nigeria were killed in an ambush during a botched attempt to arrest members of Islamist sect Boko Haram, one a member of their group and a security source said on Saturday.‘They were ambushed even before they got to the Boko Haram camps,’ one

US Senate to vote on Syria by Sept 9

DHAKA: US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said on Saturday that he would hold a vote on authorising US president Barack Obama to use limited military force against Syria no later than the week of September 9.Reid said the Senate would hold public hearings on the issue next week with

High radiation readings found at Fukushima tanks

DHAKA: The operator of Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant said Saturday it had found new radiation hotspots near tanks storing toxic water, with one reading peaking at 1,800 millisieverts per hour, a potentially lethal dose.Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) detected high

Indian religious leader arrested on rape charge

DHAKA: A controversial spiritual guru was arrested early Sunday on a rape charge filed by a teen-age girl in the north-western Indian state of Rajasthan, police said.Asaram Bapu was arrested at a spiritual retreat in central India and flown to the city of Jodhpur where police say he is

Merkel faces poll rival in TV debate

DHAKA: German chancellor Angela Merkel and centre-left election rival Peer Steinbrueck are due to take part in their only televised election debate.The event is seen as the Social Democrat (SPD) leader’s biggest chance to claw back Merkel’s lead in the opinion polls before this

Attack on Suez Canal ship `foiled`

DHAKA: Egyptian officials say they have foiled an attack on a container ship which was aimed at disrupting shipping in the busy Suez Canal.Canal authority head Mohab Mamish said a "terrorist element" targeted a Panama-flagged vessel on Saturday, but it was undamaged.There were reports of

Snow emergency extended in Peru

DHAKA: The Peruvian government has extended to nine more regions a state of emergency called to cope with unusually cold weather and heavy snowfall.At least two people have died and 33,000 others have been affected by the cold spell, local officials say.Tens of thousands of animals have

U.S. beefs up security measures

DHAKA: U.S. authorities are tightening up domestic security measures ahead of a possible U.S. military attack on Syria.The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are warning of a higher risk of cyber attacks after months of similar disruptions by hackers known as the Syrian

Obama to seek Congress vote on Syria

DHAKA: President Barack Obama says the US should take military action against Syria and he will seek congressional authorisation for intervention.The US says the Syrian government carried out chemical weapons attacks on 21 August in which 1,429 people died.Mr Obama said the operation

Delhi woman allegedly gang-raped by cops

DHAKA: A Delhi-based woman was allegedly gang-raped and her male friend assaulted by two police constables and their three friends here on the outskirts of the national capital.Four of the accused, including the two PAC constables, have been arrested for the incident that took place on

Palestinian shot in clash with Israeli soldiers dies

DHAKA: A Palestinian shot by Israeli soldiers in clashes in the West Bank this month died of his wounds on Saturday, hospital officials said.Kareem Abu Sbaih, 19, was shot on August 20 by Israeli soldiers making an arrest in the Jenin refugee camp.A second Palestinian was killed during

Tunisia opposition plans anti-govt protests

DHAKA: Tunisia’s Islamist-led coalition has failed to agree with the opposition on how to end weeks of political deadlock, mediators said on Saturday, ahead of planned anti-government protests.Tunisia was plunged into crisis by the July 25 assassination of opposition MP Mohamed Brahmi,

5 civilians killed in latest Egypt clashes

DHAKA: Five civilians died in clashes in Egypt on Friday when opponents and supporters of ousted president Mohamed Mursi clashed in several cities.Egypt health ministry said on Saturday, reports The Straits Times.Three were killed in clashes in the Giza district in Cairo, one in the canal

Kerry, Hagel to call US senators about Syria

DHAKA: US state secretary John Kerry, defence secretary Chuck Hagel, and other senior US national security officials will hold conference calls about Syria on Saturday afternoon with the Senate Democratic Caucus as well as the Senate Republican Conference.A White House official said,

17 killed as train collides with herd of cows

DHAKA: An official says a passenger train in eastern Czech Republic smashed into a herd of cattle, killing 17 of them.Martin Drapal, spokesman for Czech Rail Safety Inspection, says the train heading from the town of Krnov to the city of Olomouc hit the animals two hours before midnight